
>Artifiele intelligentie (1) 1§de" eeuw (1) 12de graad (1) 16de eeuw (1) 17de 18de eeuw (1) 17de eeuwse netwerking (1) 17de en 18de eeuw (2) 17e eeuw-18de eeuw (1) 18de eeuw (4) 19e eeuw (2) 2016 (1) 20ste eeuw (3) 21ste eeuw (3) 2de grad (1) 300 jar vrijmetselarij (1) 7de graad Provoost en Rechter; 8ste Graad: Intendant der gebouwen (1) AASR (21) AASR 10de graad (1) AASR 18de graad (1) AASR 5 en 6de graad (1) AASR Filosofische graden (1) Adoptie ritus (1) Adoptieloges (2) Agnosticism (1) agnosticisme (1) AI (1) Algemeen (7) Allende Salvador (1) Aloude en Aangenomen Schotse Ritus (7) Amsterdam (1) Angelsaksische benadering (1) Anthropologie (1) anti-maçonnerie (1) Antienst en Moderns (1) Antients (1) Antients and Moderns (1) Antimaçonnisme (4) Antisemitime (1) Antivrijmetselarij (1) Antmaconnisme (1) Antwerpen (1) Arbeid (1) Archieven (1) Archieven Belgie (1) Archieven Nederland (1) architectuur (3) Armenie (1) Artificial Intelligence (1) Artificiële intelligentie (2) Atheisme (16) Atheïsme (9) Atheistische spiritualiteit (1) Audiobook Verlichting (1) Auschwitz (1) Azië (1) Azteken (1) Banket (1) Baron d'Holbach (1) Beeldende kunsten (2) beeldmateriaal (1) Beeldverhaal (1) beeldwoordenboek (1) beleving (1) Belgie (6) Belgie Vrijmetselarij Archief (1) beschutte communicatie (1) Besluiten Opperraden 19e eeuw (1) Bibliofilie (1) Bibliografie (2) Bibliotheken (6) Bibliotheken Duitsland (1) Bibliotheken England (1) Bibliotheken Nederland (1) Bibliotheken USA (3) Bibliotheken Zwitserkand (1) Bijbel (4) Bijbel controverse (1) Bijbel en loge (1) Bijbelse namen en betekenissen (2) Bio wetenschappen (1) Biografie (7) Blauwe graden (1) Blauwe loges (2) Blgie (1) Blinddoek (1) Boeddhisme (1) boekbespreking (1) Boekdrukkunst (2) Boeken (3) Boekenbeurs (5) Boekenbeurs Belleville (1) Boekenbeurs Lille (1) Boekenbeurs Vrijmetselarij Belgie (5) Boekenbeurs Vrijmetselarij Frankrijk (7) Boekenbeurs Vrijmetselarij Parijs (2) Boekensector (1) Boekhandel (2) Boekvoorstelling (1) Bouwstukken Nederland (1) Broederlijkheid (1) bronnenmateriaal (1) Bronnenonderzoek (1) Brugge (1) Bruno Giordano (1) Brussel (1) Buchloge (1) burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid (1) chansons (1) Christelijk humanisme (2) classificatiesystemen (1) CLIPSAS (1) collaboratie (1) Commune 1871 Parijs (1) Commune de Paris (3) Commune Parijs (1) Commune Parijs 1871 (1) Complottheorie (1) Concentratiekampen (2) Conferenties (1) Conflictbeheersing (1) Congressen (6) Constitutie Desaguliers (1) Constituties (2) Constituties 1723 (1) Constituties 1738 (1) Creationisme (1) culturele studies (1) Cultuuremanicipatie (2) cultuurgeschiedenis (1) Cursussen vrijmetselarij (1) d’ALVIELLA (1) Darwin (1) databank (1) databanken (1) DDR (3) De Gulden Passer (1) debat (1) democratie (2) Desiderius Erasmus (1) Determinisme (1) Diaspora (1) Diderot (1) digitale documenten (1) Digitale media (1) Diversiteit Christelijke godsdiensten (1) Documentatiecentrum GOB (1) doelstellingen (1) Doit Humain (1) Droit Humain (2) drugs klimaat (1) Duitse literatuur (1) Duitsland (14) Duitsland 18-19de eeuw (1) Duitsland cultuurgeschiedenis (1) Duitsland Interbellum (1) Duitsland Online artikels (1) Duitsland Schroeder F L (1) Duitsland Vrijmetselarij (1) Duitsland? (1) Ecosissme (1) Ecossisme Franrijk (1) Eed (1) Egyptische stijl (1) Elzas (1) emblemen (1) Encyclopedieën (1) Encyclopedistes (1) engagement (1) ervaringen (2) Esoterie (2) Essay (1) Esthetica (1) ethica (3) Ethiek (8) Ethiek Atheisme (1) Ethiek WO II (1) Etiquette (3) Eugène (1) Europa (2) Europa Renaissance (1) Euthanasie (2) evolutie (1) Evolutieleer (1) Evolutietheorie (1) Extreem rechts (1) extreemrechts (1) Fantasy (1) Farmacie (1) farwin (1) Filosofgie Algemeen (1) Filosofie (42) Filosofie & levensbeschouwing (9) Filosofie & religie (4) Filosofie 17de eeuw (1) Filosofie 20ste eeuw (2) Filosofie Comenius (2) Filosofie Descartes (1) Filosofie Duitsland 19e eeuw (1) Filosofie Erasmus Spinoza (1) Filosofie filosofen (1) Filosofie Islam (1) Filosofie Italie (1) Filosofie Levensbeschouwing (2) filosofie psychologie (1) Filosofie renaissance (1) Filosofie Spinoza (2) Filosofie vrije wil (2) Filosofie Vrijmetselarij (6) Filosogie Spinoza (1) Filsofie Roman (1) Frankrijk (10) Frankrijk Franse Ritus (1) Frankrijk? Verenigd Koninkrijk (1) Franse letterkunde 18de eeuw/19de eeuw (1) Franse revolutie (1) Franse Ritus (2) Friedrich Ludwig Schröder (2) Gddragscode (1) GE Lessing (1) Gechiedenis Frankrijk (1) Geheim Meester AASR (2) Gelijkheid Man Vrouw (5) Gemeenschappelijkheid (1) gemengde (1) Geneeskunde (1) Gent (2) Geopolitiek (1) Gerectifieerde Shotse ritus (1) geschiedebis (1) geschiedenis (15) Geschiedenis Antwerpen (1) Geschiedenis Belgie (2) Geschiedenis papier (1) Geschiedenis Royal Society of London (3) Geschiedenis vrijmetselarij Rusland (1) Geschiedenis VSA (1) geshiedenis Belgie (1) Gesprekscultuur (1) Geweld (2) Gewetensvrijheid (1) gezel (1) Gids (1) GLNF (1) GOBLET (1) Godsdienstfilosofie (1) Godsidee (1) Graden van Volmaking (1) Grootoosten Italie (1) gulden snede (1) handboeken (1) Hartlib Samuel (1) Hebreeuws (1) hedendaags (1) Herbronning (4) herkomst (1) Hermeneutiek (1) Hermeneutik (1) hermetica (1) Hersenwetenschappen (1) Hiram (1) historiek (1) hofmeester (1) hogere graden? Frederik II (1) Holbach (2) Holocaust (1) homoseksualiteit (1) Hongarije (1) humanisme (22) Humanisme toekomst (1) Humor (2) Husserl Archief (1) Illuminati (1) Individu en gemeenschap (1) Industriële Revolutie (1) Initiatie (3) Instructie (1) Instructies Bouwstukken Jan Broeckx (1) Intelligent Design (1) Interbellum Duitsland (1) Internet (1) Intiem Secretaris (1) Intolerantie (1) Introspectie (1) Inwijding (2) Inwijdingen (2) inzicht (1) Islam (6) Italie (3) jaarboeken (2) Jaarboeken STC (7) Joden (1) Jodendom (1) jodenvervolging (1) journalistiek (1) Kapittelgraden enAeropgaus (1) Kapittelgraden 17 en 19 (1) Kapittelloge Aloude en Aangenomen Schotse Ritus (1) ken u zelve (1) Kennisfilosofie (2) Kennisleer (1) Kennismanagement (1) Klerikalisme (1) Knights templar (1) Komensky Jan Amos (1) kritiek (4) Kritisch onderzoek (1) Kunst (5) kunst seks (1) Kunstmatige Intelligentie (3) Landschapsarchitectuur (1) Latijn (1) Lectuur (1) Leerling (2) Leerling AASR (1) Les Ami sPhilanthropes (1) Lessing (1) Letterkunde (1) Levenbeschouwing 18de eeuw (1) Levenshoudingen (1) Lexica (2) lexicon (1) Lezingen (1) lezingenreeks (1) Liber amicorum (1) libretto (1) licht (1) Liederen (1) Literaire kritiek (1) Literaire prijzen (2) Literatuiur (1) Literatuur (2) Locke (1) Loge (2) Loge arbeid (3) Loge werking (1) Logeleiding (1) loges (1) Loreinen (1) Luik (1) Lyon (1) Maakbare mensheid (1) Maatschappij (4) Maatschappij kritiek en verbeelding (2) Maatschappijkritiek (8) maçonnieke inwijding (1) Maçoonerien vrouw (1) Magic Flute (1) marie Desraimes (2) Martinezisme (1) Mechelen (1) mededogen (1) meditatie (1) Meestergraad (1) Mens & maatschappij (4) mens en maatschappij (2) Mensenrechten klimaatverandering (1) Methode (2) Mithracisme (1) Mjthra (1) Monotheisme (1) Montaigne (2) Montesquieu (1) Moraal (3) Moraalfilosofie (3) Morin (1) Mozart W A (1) Mozart WA (1) Mozarts (1) Multiculturele samenleving (1) Mundaneum Henri La Fontaine (1) Musea (1) muziek (6) Muziek 19de eeuw (2) Mythen (1) naslagwerken (3) Nationalisme (1) Nederland (5) Nederland 17de eeuw (1) Nederland en België (1) Nederland studiedag (1) netwerking (1) Nietzsche (1) nieuw (1) nihilisme (1) Nobelprijs Henri La Fontaine (1) Nobelprijswinnaars (1) Obedienties (1) Obediënties (2) Odd Fellows (1) Onderwijs (2) Onderzoek (5) Onderzoek Nederland (1) onderzoeksbibliotheken (1) onderzoekscentra online artikels (1) Onderzoeksloge (1) ongelijkheid (1) Online artikels (3) Ontologie (1) Ontvoogding (1) oontstaan GLE (1) Oorspong (1) oorsprong (5) Oorsprong(en) AASR (1) oorsprongen (13) Oorsprongen18de eeuw (2) Oorsrongen (1) Oost Europa (1) Oostenrijk (4) Opus Dei (1) Orde van vrijmetselaren (1) organisatie (1) oVerenigd Koninkrijk (1) overzicht (1) Pansofie (2) pantheisme (1) partner (1) Pasqually (1) Pelikaan symbool (1) perfectieloge (1) periodieken (1) periodieken Frankrijk (1) Pers (1) Pezie (1) Plantin (1) Plato (1) plichten (1) POezie (1) Poëzie (2) Politiek (3) Politieke filosofie (1) Prijzen (1) Prince Hall (1) Prince Hall vrijmetselarij (1) Proefschriften (1) Psychologie (3) Racisme (1) Radicalisering (1) Ratio (1) Rechten van de mens (2) Redenaar (1) Referentiewerken (2) Referentiewerken Vrijmetselarij (1) refrentiewerken (1) Regalia (2) Regulariteit (1) Reguliere Grootloge van Belgie (1) Relgie Atheisme (1) Religie (7) religies (1) religieuze praktijken (1) Religiositeit (1) renaissance (1) Renaissance politiek (1) René Descartes briefwisseling (1) Repressie (1) RER (1) Ridderschap (1) Rite Écossais Rectifié (1) Rite Français (1) riten (1) rituaal (2) Ritualen (10) Ritualen 18e eeuw Groot-Brittannie (1) Ritualen UK (1) Ritualistiek (1) rituelen (3) ritus (2) robotoca (1) Roman (1) Romans (2) Rousseau JJ (1) Royal Arch (4) Royal Arch symbolisme (1) Royal Arch terminologie (2) Rozenkruisers (2) Rozenkruisers REAA AASR (1) Rudolf (1) Salafisme (1) samenleving (4) Samenlevinsaspecten (1) Samenzweringstheorieën (1) Schotse primitieve ritus (1) Schotse Ritus (8) seculariteit (1) Seculiere maatschappij (1) seculiere staat (1) Sociale rechtvaardigheid (1) Sociale theorie (1) socialisme (1) Solidariteit (1) Spanje (1) Spinoza (3) spiritualiteit (7) Spotprenten (1) Steiner (1) stripverhaal (1) Studiedagen (2) Studiekring STC (1) Studiekring Trogonum Coronatum (1) Studieloge (1) Studiezittingen (1) Symb. reizen (1) Symbolen (1) Symboliek (14) Symboliek altaar (1) symbolische loges (1) Symposium (1) taakverdeling (1) Taal (1) Tableaux (2) Tempel symboliek (3) Tempeliersgeschiedenis (1) tempels (1) Tentoonstelling (1) Tentoonstelling vrijmetselarij Hannover (1) Tentoonstellingen (3) Terminologie (1) Terreur (1) Terrorisme (1) Theater Esoterie (1) theologie (1) Theoterrorisme (1) Thomas More (1) Tijdsbegrippen (1) Tijdschriften (3) Tijdschriften Schotse Ritus (1) Toekomst (7) toekomstperspectieven (1) Toekomstvisie (4) Toekomstvisie Vrijmetselarij (2) tolerantie (3) Toneel (1) Toverfluit (1) transatlantisch (2) Transparantie (1) tSchröder (1) Tsjechie (1) Tuileur (1) Twijfels en zekerheden (1) Uitgeverij (5) uitgeverij Frankrijk (1) Uitgevers (3) UK (4) UK Royal Arch (1) Universele Verklaring van de Rechten Van de mens (1) USA (1) Utopia (1) Vaticaan (1) VBegraafplaatsen (1) Verenigd Koninkrijk (3) vergelijkende mythes (1) Vergeving (1) Verhalen (1) Verlichting (22) Verlichting Frankrijk (1) Verlichtingsdenken (4) Verlichtingsidealen (2) Vervolmakingsloge (1) Vierde (1) Visuele kunsten (1) Vlaanderen (2) Vluchtelinencrisis (1) VM Regulariteit (1) Volmaakt Meester (1) Voltaire (2) Voortgezette graden (2) Voortgezette graden AASR (2) Vrfijmetselarij (1) Vrfijmetselarij 21ste eeuw (1) Vriendschap (1) Vrijdenken (1) Vrijdenkers (1) Vrije geesten (2) Vrije meningsuiting (2) vrije wil (2) Vrijetselarij (1) vrijheid (11) Vrijmetselaar (1) Vrijmetselaarsfilosofie (1) Vrijmetselaarsgraden (4) Vrijmetselaarsgraden Blauwe loges (1) Vrijmetselaarstijdschriften USA (1) Vrijmetselarij (174) Vrijmetselarij Nederland cursus (2) Vrijmetselarij 18de -20ste eeuw (1) Vrijmetselarij AASR (2) Vrijmetselarij Algemeen (6) Vrijmetselarij Antwerpen (1) Vrijmetselarij Archieven (1) Vrijmetselarij beeld (1) Vrijmetselarij Belgie (13) Vrijmetselarij Boekenbeurs (1) Vrijmetselarij digitaal (1) Vrijmetselarij Duitsland (9) Vrijmetselarij Duitsland Goethe (1) Vrijmetselarij Duitsland Quator Coronati jaarboeken (1) Vrijmetselarij ethiek (2) Vrijmetselarij Europa Amerika en Kolonies (1) vrijmetselarij filosofie (1) Vrijmetselarij Frankrijk (9) Vrijmetselarij Frankrijk Online artikels (3) Vrijmetselarij Frankrijk tijdschriften (1) Vrijmetselarij Geschiedenis (2) Vrijmetselarij Geshiedenis (1) Vrijmetselarij Glaswerk (1) Vrijmetselarij Groot-Brittannie (4) Vrijmetselarij Groot-Brittannie Schotse Ritus (1) Vrijmetselarij Grootoosten (1) Vrijmetselarij Hongarije (1) Vrijmetselarij Humor (1) Vrijmetselarij Islam (1) Vrijmetselarij Java (1) Vrijmetselarij Media (1) Vrijmetselarij Musea (2) Vrijmetselarij Muziek (2) Vrijmetselarij Nederland (3) Vrijmetselarij Nederland Vlaanderen (1) Vrijmetselarij Onderzoek (1) Vrijmetselarij Oorsprong (1) Vrijmetselarij Oostenrijk (2) Vrijmetselarij Oostenrijk research (1) Vrijmetselarij Rozenkruisers (1) Vrijmetselarij Tentoonstellingen (2) Vrijmetselarij tijdschriften (4) Vrijmetselarij Toekomst (1) Vrijmetselarij UK (1) Vrijmetselarij USA (2) Vrijmetselarij Vredesbeweging (1) vrijmetselarij werkplaatsen (1) Vrijmetselarij Zuid-oost Azie (1) Vrijmetselarij Zweden (1) Vrijmetselarijen (1) vrijmetselerij (1) Vrijmetselrij (1) Vrijmetsetselarij (1) Vrijùetselarij Schilderkunst (1) Vrijzinigheid (1) Vrijzinngheid (1) Vrijzinnig humanisme (4) vrijzinnig onderwijs (1) Vrijzinnigheid (5) Vrijzinnigheid 17de eeuw (1) Vrijzinnigheid ethiek (1) Vrikjmetselarij (1) vroege teksten (1) Vrouw (5) vrouw en initiatie (1) Vrouw en vrijmetselarij (3) Vtrijmetselarij (1) WA Mozart (1) waarden (1) Wallonie (1) welvaart (1) Welvaartsdenken (1) welzijnsfilosofie (1) Wereldoorlog I (3) Wereldoorlog II (2) Wereldoorlog II Kinderen (1) Wereldoorlog II Vrijmetselarij Duitsland (1) Wereldoorlogen (1) wereldvisies (1) werkwijze (1) West-Vlaanderen (1) wet (1) Wetenschappen (2) Wetenschapsfilosofie (1) Willermooz (1) WO I (3) woordenboeken (2) York ritus (1) Zaterdaglezingen 2017 (3) zelfdestructie (1) zelfkennis (1) Zelfkritiek (1) Ziel (1) zingeving senioren (1) Zusters (2) Zwitserland (1)

dinsdag 9 januari 2018

The enigma of reason Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber

Reason, we are told, is what makes us human, the source of our knowledge and wisdom. But, if reason is so useful, why didn't it also evolve in other animals? If it is that reliable, why do we produce so much thoroughly reasoned nonsense?
In their ground-breaking account of the evolution and workings of reason, Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber set out to solve this double enigma, taking us on a journey from desert ants to modern scientists, and from Aristotle to Daniel Kahneman. Reason, they argue with a compelling mix of real-life and experimental evidence, is not geared to solitary use, to arriving at better beliefs and decisions on our own. What reason does, rather, is help us justify our beliefs and actions to others, convince them through argumentation, and evaluate the justifications and arguments that they address to us.
In other words, reason has evolved to help humans better exploit their uniquely rich social environment. This illuminating interpretation of reason makes sense of strengths and weaknesses that have long puzzled philosophers and psychologists - why reason is biased in favour of what we already believe, why it may lead to terrible ideas and yet is indispensable to spreading good ones. Ambitious, provocative, and entertaining, The Enigma of Reason will spark debate among psychologists and philosophers, and make many reasonable people rethink their own thinking.

Reason, we are told, is what makes us human, the source of our knowledge and wisdom. But, if reason is so useful, why didn't it also evolve in other animals? If it is that reliable, why do we produce so much thoroughly reasoned nonsense?
In their ground-breaking account of the evolution and workings of reason, Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber set out to solve this double enigma, taking us on a journey from desert ants to modern scientists, and from Aristotle to Daniel Kahneman. Reason, they argue with a compelling mix of real-life and experimental evidence, is not geared to solitary use, to arriving at better beliefs and decisions on our own. What reason does, rather, is help us justify our beliefs and actions to others, convince them through argumentation, and evaluate the justifications and arguments that they address to us.
In other words, reason has evolved to help humans better exploit their uniquely rich social environment. This illuminating interpretation of reason makes sense of strengths and weaknesses that have long puzzled philosophers and psychologists - why reason is biased in favour of what we already believe, why it may lead to terrible ideas and yet is indispensable to spreading good ones. Ambitious, provocative, and entertaining, The Enigma of Reason will spark debate among psychologists and philosophers, and make many reasonable people rethink their own thinking.

Reason, we are told, is what makes us human, the source of our knowledge and wisdom. But, if reason is so useful, why didn't it also evolve in other animals? If it is that reliable, why do we produce so much thoroughly reasoned nonsense?
In their ground-breaking account of the evolution and workings of reason, Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber set out to solve this double enigma, taking us on a journey from desert ants to modern scientists, and from Aristotle to Daniel Kahneman. Reason, they argue with a compelling mix of real-life and experimental evidence, is not geared to solitary use, to arriving at better beliefs and decisions on our own. What reason does, rather, is help us justify our beliefs and actions to others, convince them through argumentation, and evaluate the justifications and arguments that they address to us.
In other words, reason has evolved to help humans better exploit their uniquely rich social environment. This illuminating interpretation of reason makes sense of strengths and weaknesses that have long puzzled philosophers and psychologists - why reason is biased in favour of what we already believe, why it may lead to terrible ideas and yet is indispensable to spreading good ones. Ambitious, provocative, and entertaining, The Enigma of Reason will spark debate among psychologists and philosophers, and make many reasonable people rethink their own thinking.

'Original and provocative ... likely to have a big impact on our understanding of ourselves' Steven Pinker
'Mercier and Sperber offer a surprising and powerful response to the new orthodoxy propounded by Kahneman and Tversky ... arguing that the supposed flaws of hot, fast, automatic thinking are actually design features which work remarkably well' Julian Baggini
Reason, we are told, is what makes us human, the source of our knowledge and wisdom. But, if reason is so useful, why didn't it also evolve in other animals? If it is that reliable, why do we produce so much thoroughly reasoned nonsense?
In their ground-breaking account of the evolution and workings of reason, Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber set out to solve this double enigma, taking us on a journey from desert ants to modern scientists, and from Aristotle to Daniel Kahneman. Reason, they argue with a compelling mix of real-life and experimental evidence, is not geared to solitary use, to arriving at better beliefs and decisions on our own. What reason does, rather, is help us justify our beliefs and actions to others, convince them through argumentation, and evaluate the justifications and arguments that they address to us.
In other words, reason has evolved to help humans better exploit their uniquely rich social environment. This illuminating interpretation of reason makes sense of strengths and weaknesses that have long puzzled philosophers and psychologists - why reason is biased in favour of what we already believe, why it may lead to terrible ideas and yet is indispensable to spreading good ones. Ambitious, provocative, and entertaining, The Enigma of Reason will spark debate among psychologists and philosophers, and make many reasonable people rethink their own thinking.
Allen Lane
Published 6th April 2017
416 Pages

Penguin books 
 25 BP
The Fourth Industrial revolution
Klaus Schwab

Ubiquitous, mobile supercomputing. Intelligent robots. Self-driving cars. Neuro-technological brain enhancements. Genetic editing. The evidence of dramatic change is all around us and it’s happening at exponential speed.
Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, has been at the centre of global affairs for over four decades. He is convinced that we are at the beginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work and relate to one another, which he explores in his new book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Previous industrial revolutions liberated humankind from animal power, made mass production possible and brought digital capabilities to billions of people. This Fourth Industrial Revolution is, however, fundamentally different. It is characterized by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, impacting all disciplines, economies and industries, and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human.
The resulting shifts and disruptions mean that we live in a time of great promise and great peril. The world has the potential to connect billions more people to digital networks, dramatically improve the efficiency of organizations and even manage assets in ways that can help regenerate the natural environment, potentially undoing the damage of previous industrial revolutions.
However, Schwab also has grave concerns: that organizations might be unable to adapt; governments could fail to employ and regulate new technologies to capture their benefits; shifting power will create important new security concerns; inequality may grow; and societies fragment.
Schwab puts the most recent changes into historical context, outlines the key technologies driving this revolution, discusses the major impacts on governments, businesses, civil society and individuals, and suggests ways to respond. At the heart of his analysis is the conviction that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is within the control of all of us as long as we are able to collaborate across geographies, sectors and disciplines to grasp the opportunities it presents.
In particular, Schwab calls for leaders and citizens to “together shape a future that works for all by putting people first, empowering them and constantly reminding ourselves that all of these new technologies are first and foremost tools made by people for people.”
Learning how humankind can benefit from this revolution while addressing its challenges is also the central aim of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016, which is being held under the theme “Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution”.
Crowdsourcing ideas, insights and wisdom from the World Economic Forum’s global network of top leaders from business, government and civil society and young leaders, this new book looks deeply at the future that is unfolding today and how we might take collective responsibility to ensure it is a positive one for all of us.
The full book is available in English on Amazon in Kindle and print-on-demand.
The Chinese edition is available on Amazon China. Further editions in Japanese, Arabic and German are forthcoming.

A la découverte des temples maçonniques de france Ludovic. Marcos - Ronan Loaëc

A la découverte des temples maçonniques de france Ludovic

Marcos - Ronan Loaëc

Aucun ouvrage aussi méthodique et historique, aussi soigneusement illustré, n’a jamais été produit sur les temples maçonniques. Il a fallu des années pour donner corps à celuici, pour mieux comprendre ce qu’est un temple maçonnique, ce local sans équivalent, abri fraternel, espace de débat et de réflexion, lieu ritualisé. Le temple des francs-maçons est un dépôt de mémoires, un carrefour d’influences, un laboratoire… avec quelque chose de sacralisé. Cette synthèse en fait un lieu étrange, à la fois intime et chambre d’écho du monde.

Une très belle édition de 624 pages couleurs, format 24 x 27 cm.   Prix de la souscription : 40  w [+ 9 w frais de port] au lieu de 49 w prix de vente à la parution [+ 9 w de frais de port] Date limite de la souscription : 15 octobre 2017  •  Date de parution : décembre 2017

Te bestellen via  Dervy of Tredaniel